Community Cleaning Project 2023

This is an outreach project focusing on the empowerment of the local youths through job creation. Trash collection bags were given to households at the cost of Ksh.20. These were then collected every Sunday and new bags were given out. Also, every Wednesday, the group engaged in cleaning of the blocked drainages.

"It takes a village to raise a child"

More about the project

In April and May 2023, Little Lions conducted a series of community engagements with the Kibera elders and youths to determine the gaps and opportunities for LL to intervene. The community meetings involved sampled youth leaders from the different Kibera villages. Two representatives were present from Katwekera, Lindi, Kiandaa, Makina and Karanja. The youths provided suggestions on how they could be empowered. The following ideas were discussed during the three sessions:

  1. Provision of water bowser for water vending business
  2. Skills training in masonry, joinery, painting and tiling
  3. Trash collection and cleaning

The third idea was voted unanimously by all the village representatives due to the following:

  1. An existing group was doing the trash collection; thus, the youths were already familiar with running the business.
  2. It was an easy entry as it required minimal capital investment.
  3. It had the potential of scalability to the entire settlement - through the youth groups at the village level.

The team agreed to pilot the project in Katwekera, Lindi and Kiandaa.

Status Progress report -11th December 2023:

  • Registration: Completed as a CBO
  • Initial capital for setting up: Ksh. 858,392(USD. 5,792.61 - within the initial projected budget)
  • Pilot study: Ongoing till 31st December 2023
  • Total number of youths in the project: 30
  • Schedule:
    • Wednesdays, cleaning of the open drains
    • Sundays: Trash collection from households
  • Income from trash collection every week: Ksh.3,600 averagely
  • Registered households: 462
  • Actively paying households: 180(paying 20 shillings every week)
  • Weekly outgoing: Ksh.8,000(Usd.53.33) salaries & Ksh.4000(Usd.26.67) on waste collection papers.
  • Shortfall: Ksh.8,000(Usd.53.33) in wages weekly. Translates to Usd. 213.32 monthly.
  • Immediate target to reduce costs: replace the waste collection papers with recycled containers & focus on Sakati registration.

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Community Cleaning Project 2024

Nursery & Kindergarten

We need funds for initial expenses